Monthly Archive for April, 2020


Just noticed a comment at 21stC by Steve

IMV the reason Taiwan has dodged the bullet so well is because they do not have much to do with China [should have been are not having much to do with people traffic from China at the moment] and yet their intelligence services are obviously very focused on it and good enough to pick up on this type of issue.   They learned early that the Chinese government were frantically dealing with an out of control virus AND that they were contemptibly not saying much publicly about it [but shutting down the people movement between the 2 zones]!

So, the Taiwanese took action themselves to shut down the limited [not really limited at all but they quickly shut down the people movement] connections they did have and then proceeded to do bugger all to warn the rest of the world!  So this woman ‘leader’ who knew what was coming, is only one step down in culpability from the rats of the Chinese fascists and the rats in WHO!   Not a leader or government to be praised and nothing to do with being a woman!  But they looked out for No 1, and in doing so in this manner will be slaughtered in the economic crash that they could have helped to alleviate to some extent (but that is another matter and it now looms for discussion).

Australia, having been saved by the season and the still extended good weather is the 55th country ranked by population at 25.2  million and currently @62 deaths has about 2.46 deaths per million.

Coincidentally Taiwan is ranked 56th at 23.8. and has about .25 deaths per million!

Your other women ‘leaders’ are running countries that are currently seeing deaths at the following rates;

Denmark      5.7Mil     @ 52 per million

Germany    83.5           @42

Norway        5.4            @26  (this will rise more I think)

Iceland         0.34        @23

Finland         5.5          @12


Finally and also lucky with the weather and also a bit more isolated than even Australia

New Zealand      4.8    @1.88


There is very little in this between Oz and NZ..   Just 1 cruise ship difference in effect.

The season and weather are notable for the staggering difference in ‘viral load’ conditions across the world.

Even in Finland it seems that they were spared a bit by having so bad weather that they just weren’t mixing as much when it hit compared to Stockholm in Sweden etc.


Now consider Spain, Italy, France and the UK!  Then finally the US.

Spain     @397

Italy      @348

France      @241

UK      @178   But these figures seem underestimates (France as well) because they are not counting deaths in aged care etc.  It’s all we have to go on at the moment.  No one believes China, Russia etc and places that mostly can’t test!


Note Sweden for example has @102  (having taken a do almost nothing except protect the vulnerable approach).

U.S.  @79  currently looks like

Good weather California @20

Flu season New York    @552

So there are radical differences going on and not just when the hospitals are overrun.

Obviously these numbers are just the start (as there is still no treatment that is a clear winner) and till a vaccine or effective treatment there is going to be several waves of this.    If a vaccine can be developed soon… we have not yet been able to solve the common cold; so they might not get one for longer than a year etc etc  so who knows on that front.  Obviously effective treatments are more promising for the short term but still there is nothing really insight just yet and IT will ‘go viral’ when it is effective stuff.  So we are looking at a huge issue that is not even started in Nigeria, Egypt etc

Australia is currently just in front of Denmark ranked in Covid19 numbers @ 31 and even Ireland that is ranked 124 in population is worse than Australia!  Clearly there will be millions of deaths unless there is a very unexpected early breakthrough.   But people are quick to learn now and thankfully this is not going to be as bad as Spanish Flu was.  Still all those higher population countries will sail past Australia as they have been doing.


I think for Australia it will soon be policy to ‘effectively protect the old, and let the young take their chances’ but that is a discussion for about 2 weeks time I suppose and that will be right in the middle of the Flu season!    Good luck!   We’re in the age group that will need it!