Game changer!! Just the first cab off the coming rank, so the price will drop very quickly.
and possible eradication if…
where we are now
update 2nd cab of the rank! Paxlovid. (less than a month) Both treatments are very effective if given in the first few days after testing positive.
All that really remains of this pandemic is to get the world’s people fully vaccinated and treated as required. Aboriginal leaders (who did so well early on with the shutdowns have self evidently gone missing over the vax rates right across the remote parts of the country.) These ‘leaders’ are the problem! Time for some new leaders.
It looks like the 1/2 theorists at 21stC will not be saying much more on this issue either!
The ABC has today reported that the federal government have ordered 300,000 doses of the ‘unapproved’ Molnuvirapir. You heard it here first!
From the ABC
‘It is best used on people with symptoms that do not require hospitalisation.’
‘It is taken twice a day for five days and does not need to be stored in a fridge.’ so 10 capsules per course and the feds have bought
‘ 300,000 courses of the medication pending final approval from the TGA.
And some good news is that the ACT has apparently hit 95% first jab! So as the ‘hesitant’ type people get the idea of who is still getting covid sick apart from the very elderly and very ill to start with then over the next 4 months or so it is at least realistic to hope for that 95% result nationally!
Almost a normal new year is now in sight!
But the BBC / ABC has form
A very interesting read Robert Clancy: The author is Emeritus Professor of Pathology at the University of Newcastle Medical School. He is a member of the Australian Academy of Science’s COVID-19 Expert. This interesting article was published on 31/October.
It is incidentally, 10 weeks since
‘Public pressure could win in the long run. But we don’t have a long run.
Infections are already growing exponentially and will not be slowed much by today’s steps. If the numbers infected double every week it only takes 10 weeks to multiply by one thousand. Delta can double much faster than that.
There is no way for public pressure to force an unwilling State Government to change policy quickly. It takes many months to organize. A large majority in the UK against the Government policy were unable to prevent it going ahead.
The only people who can stop the NSW Government quickly are the Chief Health Officers (CHOs) of the other jurisdictions. They form the Australian Health Protection Principals Committee (AHPPC) responsible for fighting the pandemic.’
Well, we have had those 10 weeks and nothing like the Arthur Dent vision has come to pass and it is well worth reminding ourselves what was being said less than 3 months back over at ’21stC’. The caravan will just move on I suppose. All that will be left is yet another little pile of credibility droppings. A great pity, but nothing new with this ‘caravan’; it’s been six years since it started wandering in the deserts of Syria and I was canceled over my apostasy.
This is the current stats
The season is now protecting people as well while we work through the last of the treatment issues over the next 6 months or so till the next round of infections. So in practice, we can now say that for those of us that are double vaxed and have our booster on the calendar 6mths after 2nd dose (and provided we are not actually in the process of dying anyway) then this pandemic is over!
It may now be time to work out just what has been learned and what comes next. There is a very good case for Ivermectin use.
Sweden has shown what a united people can do other countries are tearing themselves apart! the new variant is nothing to worry about!
Sunetra Gupta – On the Omicron variant and
Omicron, first case report from SA
Norway news and other stuff from Dr. John Campbel
Next stop endemic all aboard!
VERY good news from Norway, South Africa and also VERY good news from Canadian chemists!! A plant brewed vaccine. World breakthrough!
And a reminder of his general books! free downloadable! Tell Erin re nursing friends.
And more good news
More good news more effective treatment!
South African infection curve is screaming south as predicted
Australia will follow in about 2 weeks!
South Africa is showing the reality of this new -end of pandemic- wave. SA has BTW a shocking vaccination rate!
nevertheless death rate is now more than 10 times LESS than earlier peaks.
So now quite clear that this 4th wave is very different than the first 3 waves. As predicted in the above Unheard ‘deep dive’
The peak case load was lower than people were thinking and on boxing day (Mao’s birthday) 26th December maxed out @ 210,267. It is now 12/Jan and has fallen and is now @ 144,335. so it HAS fallen by a 1/3 in 2 weeks though the trend is flattening a bit from the steep line that almost matches the steep line into the wave so it may well take say twice as long to come out as go in.
All this indicates that Australia will peak on this wave by the end of January and then perhaps bounce around in some further but smaller waves through the year. That looks like a fair bet to me as I head out today to get my booster! Good luck to all. I will review this monthly. MY BET IS Australia will peak and then bounce from Australia Day then down and out before winter.
The South Africa prediction was spot on!
For the record
‘All of which has meant that, until the Observer’s interview with Mark Woolhouse, there has been painfully little critical analysis from the mainstream Left as to whether the raft of restrictive Covid measures we have seen over the past two years have indeed served the collective good — or saved lives for that matter. By definition, for something to be considered in the collective interest of a society, it has to be in the interest of at least a significant majority of its members. However, it’s hard to see how lockdowns (and other subsequent measures) meet this criterion.
Their psychological, social and economic impact might have been justified from a collective-interest and life-saving standpoint if Covid represented an equal threat to all citizens. Yet soon into the pandemic, it became clear that Covid-19 was almost exclusively a threat to the elderly (60+): in the last quarter of 2020, the mean age of those dying both with and of Covid-19 in the UK was 82.4, while by early 2020 the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) — the risk of actually dying if you catch Covid — in people under 60 was already known to be exceptionally low: 0.5 per cent or less. A paper written late in 2020 for the WHO by professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University, one of the world’s foremost epidemiologists, then estimated that the IFR for those under 70 was even lower: 0.05%. As Woolhouse points out in his interview “people over 75 are an astonishing 10,000 times more at risk than those who are under 15”.
I think it is quite clear that it has been vindicated.
As also indicated by Sweden not tearing itself apart and while admitting to some early mistakes ending in about the place they expected when looking at deaths above the average over the extended period the was the correct way to view the problem.
It would seem that people don’t like to review their own thoughts when they have moved on. The list of issues from my former comrades is now quite staggering. There is so much to review and so much yet to contribute yet they may as well already be dead. What a pity!
PS I always use this site for the basic data the variation between say top Peru and some African and MENA countries is incredible. These African countries could not do lock-downs nor did they get much of the Vax’s!
I find this stuff interesting for itself He is saying that Ivermectin may have had a roll I doubt it. Still I looked at and PNG have a 72 deaths per million rate with under 5% vaccinated rate but its tropical and they don’t have a lot of air-conditioning outside of the wealthy peoples and some of the city buildings. Australia has 793 per million with an 87%+ rate go figure! I would be interested in finding out about the recorded general death rates for both countries over these last 5 years to see what blips are evident.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya: Gov’t PRESSURED Social Media Companies, We Learned From Missouri V. Biden – YouTube
On the right side all along! Very solid stance! Exactly how a true leader actually leads.
I noticed the post by Steve above and it is on the wrong thread as well as being catastrophically wrong! so I have copied it and moved it to a Ukraine thread!
He was on the money
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya: Gov’t PRESSURED Social Media Companies, We Learned From Missouri V. Biden
Well what do you know! ‘Extreme fringe views’ indeed! still worth thinking about particularly with respect to Australia!
The devastating consequences of Covid lockdowns | Professor Jay Bhattacharya
Martin Kulldorff: Fired by Harvard for getting Covid right.
UnHerd’s Freddie Sayers meets Martin Kulldorff.
After the Great Barrington Declaration was announced in 2020, Harvard Professor Martin Kulldorff suddenly emerged into the public consciousness as a controversial figure. Despite data showing his skepticism about lockdowns and vaccine mandates were ultimate legitimate, especially in his home country of Sweden, Professor Kulldorff was fired by Harvard. Why? UnHerd’s Freddie Sayers spoke to him to find out. he is an interesting pick!