Monthly Archive for October, 2021


A proven anti-viral!

Game changer!!  Just the first cab off the coming rank, so the price will drop very quickly.

and possible eradication if…

where we are now
update 2nd cab of the rank!  Paxlovid.  (less than a month) Both treatments are very effective if given in the first few days after testing positive.

All that really remains of this pandemic is to get the world’s people fully vaccinated and treated as required.  Aboriginal leaders (who did so well early on with the shutdowns have self evidently gone missing over the vax rates right across the remote parts of the country.)  These ‘leaders’ are the problem!  Time for some new leaders.

It looks like the 1/2 theorists at 21stC will not be saying much more on this issue either!

World mad.

World gone Mad worth a listen,
just to start a conversation!  Brendan Oneil talking to Julia Hartley-Brewer.  Refreshingly open honest and above board conversation.