
This is the alternative that has always been worthy of thinking about and as we have seen in Victoria has not been.  The vulnerable must be protected and that is the key question.  We are not all in this together!  Over 60 or overweight etc and you (we) are in this in a big way …shelter from this storm.  Fit and under 60 carry on.

A 1,000 fold risk difference must be taken advantage of.

Turn off the Air conditioners.  Get out in the open.  Wash hands.  Isolate if your over 60.

28 Responses to “Alternative”

  1. 1 patrickm

    The fightback may be underway (I hope so).

  2. 2 patrickm
  3. 3 patrickm a very important discussion.

    A rethink task force for Australia based on this thinking is a sound thought that will be poison for those who are already committed; such as the ABC types.

    With this sort of stark division Sky news will soon be in a full on war with the ABC.

  4. 4 patrickm

    Covid debate
    The open right is fighting back and this is a correct and clear perspective!

  5. 5 patrickm

    The herd thinking approach explained by Professor Gupta This is essential for understanding of the world wide issues. Obviously this British thinking must be tweaked for Australia; for example Oz has not even gone though a 1st wave epidemic.

    It looks like the season will now protect most of OZ till the vaccine is deployed in the early part of the new year. From widespread news reports it’s now more than reasonable to expect an effective vaccine being widely deployed in Australia by ANZAC 2021 day! The countdown is 164 days till I expect a jab.

    And re vitamin D

  6. 6 patrickm an interesting contribution! There has been almost zero effort on the early treatment front and no notice of the fact that Trump did so well with his battle having previously taken the drug that all the PC mob are anti. Perhaps his body was correctly primed to fightback?

  7. 7 patrickm

    Well what do you know…Scott from marketing had to step in a few days back and get some people to have a rethink! The vaccine is now coming along to a more realistic schedule. So 61 days after my prediction and with 105 more days till my theoretical jab -on ANZAC day- it looks increasingly realistic! I love the clarity of a prediction date!

    Still no cases in any Australian ICU!! No surprise.

    And of the 40 or so that are in hospitals almost all if not all are there because of regulation only.

    If this continues to go smoothly there ought to be some sort of minor bump from the festive season and yet still nothing to worry about past all the social distancing and hand washing etc till the mid February jabbing starts.

  8. 8 patrickm

    This is well worth the (longish) read!

    ‘The author Robert Clancy is Emeritus Professor of Pathology at the University of Newcastle Medical School. He is a member of the Australian Academy of Science’s COVID-19 Expert Database’

    ‘Historically, pandemics generate suspicion, speculation and emotion, before logic and empirical decisions determine optimal management. The current COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Twelve months on, there is an emerging consensus supporting an integration of a four-pillar plan: public health strategies; vaccination; early pre-hospital treatment; and hospital treatment. This position replaces an early confusion, with supporting data appearing on a near daily basis.’

    ‘The area of intense disagreement is community management combining prevention by vaccine and reduction of hospital admission, using pre-hospital treatment. There is a global expectation that vaccines will dramatically change the current face of COVID-19 while there is broad-based denial that any of the available (unpatented) drugs beneficially alter the natural history of infection. Expectation of a vaccine nirvana alongside therapeutic nihilism are both incorrect, although each is promoted with a vigour rooted in socio-political conviction (and supported by the Pharma industry).
    The conclusion, based on logic and data, is that vaccines and early treatment strategies are both necessary for optimal disease control. As a result, a community plan has been formulated, aimed at keeping patients out of hospital. Experienced physicians have developed protocols based on evidence, with sequenced multi-drug regimens that support over 80 per cent reductions in admissions to hospital and death. Implementation of this approach would effectively end the US, UK, Canada, and EU hospitalisation crises.

    The objective of this brief review is to argue in support of these conclusions, based on an untangling of the pathobiology of COVID-19 over the last 12 months; review of the available data on the three vaccines used in the Western world; and current data supporting significant benefit of pre-hospital drug treatment.’

    read on…

  9. 9 patrickm
  10. 10 patrickm interesting letter re hydroxychloroquine there is going to be egg on face 1 or 2 and at this stage my money is on the outsiders!

  11. 11 patrickm
  12. 12 patrickm
  13. 13 patrickm tends to confirm my thoughts from last year.

    Some good news Delta plus K417n

    Some bad

    An interesting ivermectin discussion

  14. 14 patrickm

    The public health authorities ought to hang their heads in shame and that is also true in Australia that had a far different row to hoe. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on 19 Mths of COVID Oct 22, 21

  15. 15 patrickm

    I like Julia the party that never happened and let’s get on with life!

  16. 16 patrickm

    and here she is with Gupta

  17. 17 patrickm Far more interesting to me.

  18. 18 patrickm complexity explained as this virus disappears into the rear vision mirror.

  19. 19 patrickm
  20. 20 patrickm

    Let the record show China is now (slowly) changing its policy on zero covid. There always was an alternative policy worth more than just a brief thought!

    and this from Neil Oliver is on the right track

  21. 21 patrickm
  22. 22 patrickm

    Ah freddy is doing good work here with Richard Dawkins.

  23. 23 patrickm The truth about Sweden’s COVID policy.

    Plus, a big plug for Steve’s man Bernie Sanders!

  24. 24 Steve Owens

    The vid is over an hour long so it’s going to be a while if at all
    Scandinavia score card death per million
    Norway 1,040
    Denmark 1,511
    Finland 1,852
    Sweden 2,452

    Australia 878

  25. 25 patrickm

    Yes you are silly!

  26. 26 patrickm

    1st start from 35:10 and then try to think!

  27. 27 patrickm

    and these two
    Martin Kulldorff: Lessons from Sweden for the next pandemic.
    “Lockdowns Were a Mistake” – Dr Jay Bhattacharya

  28. 28 Steve Owens

    Sweden, as Schumpeter said the Swedish model will work anywhere as long as you take the Swedish people there.

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